Saturday, January 11, 2014

Getting started!

I have learned recently that words like mother, wife, and Christian have come to define who I am. While all of those are true I can't help but wonder what else makes me Stephanie Parker. I have lived a lot in my 21 years on earth. From crazy high school years filled with drama, sex, and drugs, which led to me becoming pregnant at 15 and getting married the day after my 16th birthday. Onto having a second baby at 17, abuse toward myself and my oldest daughter and then a divorce at 19. Somewhere in all of that craziness the Lord grabbed a hold of me. I gave my life to Jesus at 18 and even though some days seem dark, there is always hope because of Him. I was blessed with my two daughters and God used a lot of bad decisions to ultimately draw me to Him and glorify Himself.

Months after my ex-husband left and moved to Alabama, I met the man God truly made for me. We were together a little over a year before we got married and 8 weeks later found out we were expecting baby #3!! (I'm obviously very fertile.. I've heard all the jokes, believe me! Lol.) We are now a household of 4 girls (Caylee, Kyleigh, and Rebecca) and 1 very outnumbered daddy! :) Our life together is so much more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. I feel God has called me to be a mother and a wife and I am beyond thankful for the family that He has given me.
In the past 5 years I have experienced immense heart ache, love, anger, happiness, bitterness, and joy. Some days I've felt all of those emotions at the same time. I've gone from being a married teenage mom, to a single mom, back to being the mother and wife God created me to be. Caylee and Kyleigh's birth father is no longer in the picture. Since the day he left 3 years ago the girls haven't heard from him. Chris is their new "Jesus loving daddy". He exemplifies the meaning of "daddy" through his sacrifices and love. You'll probably hear me brag on him a lot throughout my blog posts! He's wonderful :) While I do still have scars from my past relationship, Jesus has done amazing things to allow those scars to heal. They were so open and raw for a very long time, but as time has gone by the pain has lessened and even the memories have faded. That's a whole other blog post all together.. I haven't decided how open I want to allow myself to be through this yet. What I do hope is that I can reach others who have gone through the same things I have or are currently going through them. I know God allowed certain things to happen in my life so that I could help others in the same way that others helped me through my trials. I pray that others can see the joy I have and see how Christ is working in mine and my family's life. We'll see how it goes! Here's to hoping.... :)

Caylee, Kyleigh, and Rebecca <3

Me and my Christopher.

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