Saturday, February 22, 2014

my convictions lately.

I haven't posted a new blog in about one month. We've been busy, and I just haven't had much to post about. We've had some snow days here in Louisiana.. THREE to be exact! And one ice day where 30,000 people were out of power in Central Louisiana. It was crazy! And very cold! The girls loved it of course. Playing in the snow and being out of school. I got by with LOTS of coffee.. I'm still recovering. Lol!
Becca is four months old now (18 weeks) and she is rolling over and trying to sit up. She is growing so fast. Other exciting things have started to take place, but I'll have to write a blog about those later as they unfold.

But, what I'm writing about today is a question for other believers. Lately I've been reading scriptures and praying and I'm coming to realize more and more that we are neglecting the true Sabbath day, Saturday. In 300 A.D. Constantine changed their day of rest from Saturday to Sunday in regards to his god. Later the Catholic church agreed upon it and now even protestant churches have converted to it.
My question is : Why?? 
I have read scriptures where God has spoken and has said that keeping the Sabbath will be a mark of His people (Exodus 31:31, Ezekiel 20:20). He also says to keep His Sabbath holy and do not desecrate it (Isaiah 56:2). Exodus 31:16 even says that we are to keep the Sabbath as a covenant forever.
I'm just very confused, and even a little disappointed that we don't do this as Christians. I would love to hear what people's opinions are on this. History shows that Saturday is the true Sabbath, changed by Constantine/the Catholic church to Sunday. And if Gods Word is true and meant to take literally, then why do we not worship Him on His true Sabbath day?